How is the Happy Planet Index calculated?
The Happy Planet Index combines three elements to show how efficiently residents of different countries are using environmental resources to lead long, happy lives.
The Happy Planet Index measures what matters: sustainable wellbeing for all. It tells us how well nations are doing at achieving long, happy, and sustainable lives.
Until recently, we have lived with the widespread belief that the world is steadily becoming a better place. But how happy is the planet?
See the trends over timeWe believe that being happy is good for everyone and that promoting human happiness does not need to be at odds with creating a sustainable future. We've built a personal Happy Planet Index test to help you reflect on how you can create your own "good life that doesn't cost the earth".
Take the testWho got more efficient at converting resources into happy lives?
See the latest dataThe Happy Planet Index combines three elements to show how efficiently residents of different countries are using environmental resources to lead long, happy lives.
The Happy Planet Index provides a compass to guide nations towards genuine progress, and shows that it is possible to live good lives without costing the Earth.
The Happy Planet Index is powered by a group of collaborators who believe that the twenty-first century should be defined by the pursuit of good lives that do not cost the Earth.